Approaching a group of women seems the most terrifying thing ever doesn’t it? Well here’s how it can be done with ease. Watch Yad explain the reasons behind why his techniques work.
Category: Tips
How To Ask A Girl Out: Think She’s Out Of Your League? Don’t Worry
We receive loads of emails from guys who want to know how to ask a girl out, while increasing their chances of success. In fact, since we get asked this question so often, we created this article to answer it. Asking a girl out can — for most guys — be one of the most
Yad’s Top 3 Conversation Hacks (How To Talk To Girls)
Conversation is the key to building attraction with women. When you become a better conversationalist, you will be able to mould conversations to match the narrative that you want.
Rejection Isn’t Personal. Learn From It
Have you ever been rejected and felt so down that you couldn’t approach another woman? Well that happens to the best of us. Here’s a video that will show you what not to do when you are rejected again.
Action Creates Motivation Which Leads To A Better Love Life
In this video Yad explains how action creates motivation rather than the old stale idea of motivation creates action, simple but a very effective truth to remember.
Get In The Friend Zone
I love having female friends. There is always this refreshing and positive energy I get whenever I have spent time hanging out with a group of girls, I’m sure you have felt it too. The more you can implement girls in to your everyday life, the more you will feel this great energy. The more
How To Get A Girlfriend: It’s Far Easier Than You Think!
As men, we usually have periods in our lives where our only goal seems to be to spread seeds like a bee with a severe pollen addiction. But in the end, what we really end up wanting is a serious, committed and happy relationship. That’s why we have so many guys contacting us… wanting to
How To Talk To Girls
You’ve planned the words. You’ve planned the delivery. And you’ve prepared yourself to the fullest extent. Finally, you shake off the excess nervousness and walk over. Then you open your mouth… … and come across as a retarded mule asking for an extra helping of carrots! Learning how to talk to girls can seem overwhelming.
How To Kiss A Girl: Simple Tips For The Average Guy
Ahh… going for the kiss. The bane of many hopeful seducers. There are countless instances where timidity and uncertainty concerning when or how to kiss a girl have ruined a perfectly good date — and screwed up what could have been the start of a wonderful relationship. It’s always a risk. If we go for
Daygame Essentials: Why Women Want You To Approach Them During The Day
Yad explains his backstory with Daygame and how the the Daygame Blueprint was designed, along with Andy Yosha. He also shares his techniques for being able to approach, attract and close any woman during the day.